Saturday, May 06, 2006

34 weeks pregnant!

I am exactly 34 weeks pregnant on 7 May 06! I have gained 0.2 kg over the last two weeks. Phew!! Else my doc will keep suspecting that I have gestational diabetes... I think the daily fruit juices and supplements that I have been taking does helps in controlling my weight. So far, I have gained about 12 kg.

Yesterday, I went for the final detailed scanning of baby Aloysius and then saw doc after that. The scan was done by Imelda. I like to request for her to do the scan for me. It was a fun half an hour, staring on the different parts of the body of baby. We could see baby's eyes are closed, big nose like mine, perfect lips like hubby's, feet, hands, heart, etc... Baby is 2.2kg at 33 weeks 5 days. His head dimension is as big as that of a 34 weeks 5 days foetus. hahaha... My baby has bigger head than for his "age"! The placenta is in the anterior of the womb, away from the birth canal. hmm... Ideal for natural birth rite? I have made used of my subconscious mind that I will have the perfect condition for natural birth since my pregnancy. Last week, I have started to tell baby to turn and he has turned :). He's now head down... Baby was sleeping on the left side of my tummy, facing right, and of course, with his legs kicking the right side of my tummy. No wonder I have been feeling those aching pain on my right side almost every nite. Baby Aloysius must have been stretching his legs inside. Sometimes, I have to wake up in the middle of the nite to ask him to "retract" his legs cos it's hurting...

Oh yes, it's confirmed 101%, it a BOY! hahaha... His sex organs are so obvious during the scan.

To my disappointment, doc recommended C-section again. My fibroids last time were just too big. Doc said that if it's a small one, there's also a risk of uterine rupture. And I had 12 of them and they are big ones. I had a big cut on my womb in the previous surgery... I peeped doc's records and I saw "13 cm". I wonder if I had a "13 cm cut"... Doc will let me try natural birth if that's my choice. However, the risk is too high. He said when uterine rupture happens, it will be very painful and most importantly, he will have to get the baby out within minutes by c-section. Considering that time will be needed to get ready the operating theatre, get an anaesthetist, etc., time might not be enough. It sounds scary eh? Indeed it is... sobs...

When I came home, I did a search on the web... There are cases whereby the baby was saved, but due to the lack of oxygen getting to the baby during rupture, baby could get brain damaged... :(

After hearing what doc told us, I think I dun wanna regret for life if anything happen. ***touch wood*** Hence, I gotta convince myself that C-section is the way to go now. Doc suggested to schedule the c-section on 8 June, 10 days before the expected delivery date. hmm... Since I am going to have C-section already, here starts another interesting journey of date and time selection... :) and also changing what I say to baby daily :)

Now, I gotta start monitoring baby's kicks and punches. My doc gave me a counter to just click and I gotta count from 9am to 2pm, and 4pm to 9pm daily. Gosh! 10 hours of monitoring per day! I was instructed to go to the hospital immediately if the counts reduce by 50% as compared to the previous day. This is to prevent umbilical cord accident.


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