Thursday, May 18, 2006


Oh no... My craving for durian is getting stronger! hahaha... Maybe it's my subconscious mind telling me to eat? I think I am losing control to my durians temptation since I am going for c-section. Last nite, went to carrefoure and bought 4 boxes of D24 durians. And now my fridge smells of durian... It's really difficult to resist the temptation to finish them all...

My baby has been kicking quite a lot today :). Maybe it's due to the durians I ate...

I am also drinking young coconut water. I bought 3 from Carrefoure. Very nice and cooling, especially in this hot weather.

Last nite, there's an inner voice telling me, "Go for natural birth. You can do it!" I have been doing "tai jiao", asking baby to use his own strength to come out easily and naturally since I was 4 months pregnant. It's like I have wasted my efforts. My inner voice is telling me that it will work... How? I am still confused... In my right mind, I will look for a best date and time. But in the back of my mind, my inner voice is telling me, no need to look for the best date, cos baby will know when is the best to come out. I also have been telling baby to choose the best time and date that he wanna be born...

Lately, I have been feeling rather heavy. Just standing for a while can make me breathless sometimes. I do not have heartburn, but when I eat too full, I need to lie down in bed on my sides... cos I cannot breath properly...

hahaha... My dear husband has now acquired the taste of food that I like during the pregnancy. It's rather funny... I used to like ice-cream in my second trimester, and has gotten over it by now. But my hubby still have a liking to ice-cream. hahaha... After dinner, sometimes he will go to the freezer and get some ice-cream, whereas, I dun really fancy much ice-cream now. I love to eat nasi briyani and lots of spicy food starting from the first trimester. When we first started, he will be sweating all over... hahaha... Now, he seems to love curry rice!


Blogger Venkata Gopala Rao said...

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Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:27:00 PM  
Blogger Venkata Gopala Rao said...

hi.. nice to read about your feelings about the coming child.. one can see from your posts that how sweet motherhood is... if you don't mind, i would like to suggest to go for a surgeory rather than for a natural delivery. why to take chance when technology is so advanced?
i wish you will get the cutest baby on this earth..

Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:29:00 PM  
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Saturday, July 02, 2016 1:56:00 PM  

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