Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Organic babies.

It's the first time that I have heard of "organic babies". What about you? What's "organic babies" all about? hmm...

Recently, I came across an article in the chinese newspapers (published on 16 Aug 06) narrating about "organic babies". It's an interesting read. The mother (Yanni) went on an 100% organic vegetables and fruits diet for 5 years before they decided to conceive their first baby. Their second baby is now 3 months old, about 1 month older than Aloysius. Throughout the two pregnancies, Yanni took only organic vegetables and fruits. Although her doctor keep telling her to take some meat during her pregnancies, but she did not. Her elder son was 3.75kg at birth. At age 1, he's already learning how to play golf. At age 2, he's already wearing clothes for ages 3. At age 2.5 now, he's already wearing clothes for ages 4 and the cutting of the clothes are those for foreigners. I guess "foreigners" refer to the Europeans and Americans... It's amazing, isn't it??? Yanni's elder son has not taken any medications prescribed by the doctors since birth, and has been on full organic vegetables and fruits only diet.

hmm... Reading about the growth of Yanni's elder son, what's the impact on you??? The message that I get from this article is that it does not mean babies cannot grow well without meat and fish... Babies will still grow exceedingly well on a diet of fruits and vegetables.

Well, I have been taking organic food products and supplements starting from a few months before my pregnancy, and throughout my pregnancy. My hubby and I have changed our diet to that of more fruits and vegetables. We do not take seafood anymore. Though we would want to be healthier, but it's not easy to change our diet totally in a short time. Actually, from the point of view of alternative health, fruits and vegetables are good. The nutrients and minerals are natural, and there's no risk of consuming too much of a certain types of nutrients that will cause harm to the body. Our body system will just remove the "extra" nutrients through urine, sweat and faeces.

There's a common believe about Vitamin A during pregnancy. Maybe if I tell you, you will probably warn me about the danger of vitamin A overdose during pregnancy. Let me tell you... Throughout my pregnancy with Aloysius, I took 2 - 4 mugs of carrots and green apple juice every morning. 1 mug of juice will consist of 3 carrots and 1 green apple. Sometimes, I will add some lemon or beetroot. Beetroot is very rich in folic acid, which is very good for preventing neural tube defects, and also for baby's brain development. A lot of people will think that the Vitamin A in carrots will harm my baby. However, after reading through several books, especially Dr. Bernard Jensen's (father of holistic health in America) books, I have a different view. I think that the Vitamin A from carrots is natural, and will not harm our body nor the baby. It's the Vitamin A overdose from meat and non-natural products that will cause harm... During the pregnancy, my lunch will mainly be fresh salads, and I do not eat lots of meat, which is not a common believe here... My typical breakfast is organic food supplements and fresh carrot and apple juice. Dinner will be mainly vegetables too, with little pork. I did not take any soft drinks nor fast food throughout the whole pregnancy. There's once when I went to KFC to buy the chicken salad for dinner. I had no choice cos it was late at night. I only ate the salad and removed the chicken pieces...

Aloysius was very alert on the first day of his life. He was a curious baby. He opened his eyes and already could respond to noise. He could also turn his head from side to side even on the first day! My parents and visitors were like "wow"... I can remember, on the second day, he did not sleep from 9am till 4pm! Terence and I were tired out in the hospital... lol...

Ok, that's all for now... I gotta do my work already :) I wanna graduate asap :) I will scan the newspaper article and post in here soon... Stay tuned...


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