Thursday, November 29, 2007

I have a millionaire mind!

Hahaha… Maybe I am having a fever to have this sentence. I just attended “The Millionaire Mind Intensive” by T.Harv Eker over the weekend. It was a 3 days intensive seminar from 9am till 11pm everyday. Phew… I survived the whole seminar and had a photo with T.Harv Eker. Hahaha… If you are already a millionaire, you may say “chey”, but I am not yet a millionaire :) But I will certainly get there with the new franchise trading international business.

The most impactful segment is the arrow breaking whereby I gotta point the sharp end of the arrow at the softest spot just below our neck, and a partner holding the other end of the arrow. It took me two tries to break it. This segment is about fear, how fear can hinder our own success. I still can remember Harv said that we usually make decision based on fear and guilt. Hmm… Very true for me. Quite similar to what I have learnt in the psychology of vision, but this is more detailed. We signed up for the “quantum leap”, a series of courses and workshops spread out throughout 2008. I decided to sign up on the spot after Harv said, “Decide without fear!” I think I have fear of success. I am fearful of earning more money than I need. It got worse when I got stuck with my paper chase. That’s the first major failure I have in my life. I have fear of failures too. How ironical, isn’t it? I realized that when I was carrying out the arrow breaking segment. I am fearful of success due to my childhood past. When I was young, my dad not only had to feed our own family, he gotta feed several families. It’s families… Priorities are given to the education of the boys, which me and my sisters are not. Anyway, I managed to break the arrow! I just gotta keep moving forward without thinking too much. It’s amazingly easy! After the first try, there are people around me who told me that I can be excused cos I am pregnant. Then I thought, I have been giving lots of excuses not to go forward in my life already, and I must stop all the excuses now. Hence, I gave it another try. I was very lucky that I had a very supportive group of people to cheer me on too.

I am very much looking forward to the next workshop by T. Harv Eker end Jan 08. It will be the first in Asia, so T. Harv Eker will train the participants personally, which I think it will be the best. I only go for the best ;)

We have started the 90 days wealth conditioning program :). I will read the attitudes of wealth declaration daily, a few times a day. For the past two days, I read them to Aloysius too when he’s asleep :) Maybe I should make that into flashcards. Hahaha… Some may say it’s my flashcards craze again. I have thought of making Dale Carnegie’s “teachings” into flashcards for my children too. That is yet to materialize. I need time for myself to do that to make creative cards.

On the second day of the seminar, I met Dr. George Lim, the founder of WBG. He just came for no reason, met me, spoke to me and left. Did heaven arrange this “coincidence”? Maybe. He seems like a messenger from heaven to me. It’s very strange. Everytime when I have decided to give up my doctorate, he will appear. It’s like he’s haunting me. Hahaha… This is not the first time already. I had some thoughts about the doctorate again. He told me that when I am lost and do not succeed, all my siblings will follow suit, cos I am the eldest. Stress eh? Indeed it is. But it’s very true. He can be a fortune teller already. Hahaha… And my failure is draining my hubby’s energy too :( He’s very chim too. There are certain things from him which I dun understand. Maybe I will get him when I get there some how. Everything happens for a reason. Is there coincidence? Hmm…

His family is pretty similar to mine, with 3 gals and 1 boy, except he’s the eldest and my brother is the youngest. My family’s attendance in one of the workshop for psychology of vision has given him and his sisters the courage to bring their parents for the workshop too. His dad and mum finally patched up after a couple of decades of staying apart. Wow!


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