Monday, June 30, 2008

You have a Millionaire Business Mind!

I just attended the “Guerilla Business Intensive” by T. Harv Eker for 5 full days! It was an amazing and useful 5 days. The seminar is indeed intensive. After the seminar, I walked out with a full business plan for me to execute in real life.

I started with 3 businesses in mind before the seminar. Well, it’s best to have a business before the seminar in order to benefit the most. The 3 businesses are distributing curry puffs in Singapore, selling flashcards and training parents how to use them effectively, and distributing Eumora bar. On the first day, I started with planning for the 3 businesses. Then on the second day, I had 2 businesses to choose. Hahaha… T.Harv Eker said that rich people focus. If I were to have 3 businesses, I will remain broke. On the 3rd day, I chose to do the flashcards and education business. On the 4th day, after the seminar at 11pm, I went to look for Arthur, Esabee field leader and a multi-multi-multi-multi-multi-multi-multi------ Millionaire. We had a chat till about 3am. On the last day of the seminar, I decided that I am going to distribute Eumora bar. One of the secret to earning lots of money is to have an excellent product, be an affiliate or agents, and learn from people who are successful. Hence, I have decided to distribute Eumora bar. I will do both retail and distribution. I want to retail this revolutionary bar on the internet. Arthur adviced not to. Hmm…

Thank you for reading this. If you are looking for some products to distribute or retail, let me know. I have a win-win marketing plan for you. Eumora bars are selling out at lightning speed now because results can be seen in 3 minutes. Unbelievably, the effects of the bar continue even after the first wash. It’s just like bringing Spa treatment to the comfort of your own home. How good is that?

At the seminar, we learnt about copywriting. I am no good in my languages since young, and find myself like a disabled in language. I told myself I cannot let this happen to my children. I must give them lots of opportunity in building their language skills. I find, in business, language is very important. Nicholas Chia told me before that language is one of the 3 best gifts for our children.

During the seminar, Aloysius was being looked after by my parents in JB. He was very happy there. He went swimming, played with sand in the playground, sat on the swing, went to the factory, etc. Lots of things for him to experience, explore and learn. I am glad he had a chance to see my parents do business.

This morning, when I called my mum, she told me about Aloysius’ peeling eggs. At the factory, when he saw my mum helping to peel the eggs, he also wanted. So my mum gave him an egg to peel. My mum knocked the egg shells before peeling. Aloysius, probably been eyeing on eating the egg, took the egg and went outside to knock the egg on a glass door, and peeled the egg. After peeling the egg, he had a bite. He knew if he peeled the egg at the table, he will not be allowed to eat the egg. Then my mum changed another egg for him. He did the same thing. And he could peel the egg very fast. He’s a smart boy, isn’t it?

Bernice and Charlene were taken care of by the maid. They are 3 months 4 days today. I left them at my cousin’s place for the first two days. Then my mother in law came to help for the rest of the 3 days. Bernice now has preference for milk. She refused to drink FrisoSoy now. She only wants breast milk.

Bernice can communicate and chuckle already. It is so fun to play with her now. She likes people to talk to her, and she will smile. Just now, she chuckles when I was playing with her. She’s such a happy girl.

Charlene can communicate and smile too, but not as loud as Bernice. Whenever you talk to her, she will give a big and wide smile. And she’s crawling! It’s such a joy to talk to her and she will response. She’s also a very happy girl.


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