Tuesday, March 25, 2008

High blood pressure!

We went to see Dr. Chew at about 5pm. I gained 3kg in 1 week! Wow! I was 67.5kg. Unfortunately, my blood pressure increased further. Dr. Chew wanted me to be admitted immediately and c-section tomorrow afternoon at 4.30pm after his meeting. Sobs… His nurse gave me a jab to lower the blood pressure before we walked over to admission. Oh my! That jab is indeed very drowsy. The drowsiness set in while we were waiting for the admission. I just felt like closing my eyes at the sofa.

Along the way, Aloysius knew the day is here. He wanted me to carry him. He wanted his daddy to put down my bag. He just wanted us to stay put. He cried when we moved a step. We gotta stop a few times to talk to him.


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